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Praise with Irritation

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Psalm 103:1

There is a tough lesson that believers must learn in order to trust and praise God. It is what is learned between a promise and its fulfillment! No matter how long our trial is, hours, days, weeks or months, our response must be the same: to declare the goodness and faithfulness of God in the midst of the storm (trial).

Bill Johnson, in his book Mornings and Evenings talks about the gates of Zion in Revelation 21:21, noting that each gate is formed by one pearl. Think about this for a moment! A pearl is formed through irritation and conflict. A granule of sand gets inside an oyster shell, and a pearl forms around the granule to keep it from doing harm. Do you see correlation of praise with irritation? Does He not inhabit the praises of His people? He does! No matter how great the conflict, He will be there with you!

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