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God is Not Dead

So now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. Romans 6:19-20

We have just celebrated 248 years of liberty for our country, and in the process the believer must think about the liberty we receive when the spiritual chains that bind us fall off because we are set free in Christ.

Some do not want to believe, not in God, not in His Word, and certainly not in a life of holiness; why? The answer is easier than you think. If they are able to convince themselves (or others) that God does not exist, then their conscience is eased and they are free to sin, to live how they please without guilt. The problems arises because God is not dead; and just like no sane person would claim that a Coocoo clock evolved from a pile of wood, we know that we are “fearfully and wonderfully created” by our Lord.

The existence of God does not depend on whether you believe in Him or not. God is real and He knows you by name.

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