…another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord; Judges 2:10
In the first men’s prayer breakfast of the year, I shared my thoughts from this verse, wondering, as we do, How did this happen? Who is to blame? How do we change this? It is not a bad idea to ask all the WHO, WHAT WHEN, WHERE AND WHYs, but at the end of the day, we know that every generation is responsible to make sure the next generation knows the Lord.
How does one do this? First, by living a transparent, authentic, godly life before our family, friends and neighbors. Second, by boldly sharing our faith once we have accomplished the first step. We must be salt and light before we can share salt and light. We must know Jesus (like a best friend) before we can introduce someone to Him.
Enjoy a quiet moment with a good cup of coffee and think on this!