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A Good Life

When evening comes and the day is done, I look to the west, to the setting sun;

And I long for family, I long for friends, wondering what tomorrow brings.

There’s a price to be paid to live overseas, that can’t be counted in dollars or fees;

A cry of loneliness, I cannot explain, except to tell you – it comes with pain!

Choices, decisions – must be made, tomorrow will come, joy might fade;

You find the peace – after the test, on the other side you get to rest.

There are the ways you fulfill dreams, and live the life you imagined, it seems;

Traveling here and living there, some go far, some go nowhere.

Do what you love, love what you do, follow your dreams – to God be true;

To yourself be honest, don’t cause strife, at the end of the day it will be a good life.

Mark Gerard

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